Project Brief


1.       Introduction

In the 211th Governing Body Meeting of ICAR held on 13th October 2008 in New Delhi, it is desired to develop and implement a computerized system that helps in taking decisions to check duplication in research projects both at divisional as well as inter divisional level.  

Keeping in view the above it is proposed to develop and implement a computerized system at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), New Delhi. The activity has been taken up as a project namely Development of Project Information & Management System of ICAR (PIMS-ICAR) with objectives to check duplication in research projects both at divisional as well as inter divisional level; for on-line monitoring and concurrent evaluation of the ongoing research projects and for other management requirements.  

The proposed system would have the modules on Data Management, Mechanism to check duplication in research projects, Monitoring, Reports & Queries, and User Management & Administration.  

The Data Management module includes forms to feed data for a new project as well as to modify the existing projects for Project Data Entry, Updating and Browsing. The Monitoring module is designed for on-line monitoring and concurrent evaluation of the progress of the projects running under ICAR.  The User Management and Administration controls its accessibility features provided to System Administrators and other class of users like Principal Investigators, Nodal Officers, Head of the Divisions, Directors, ADGs, DDGs and Director General of ICAR.  

 The system is accessible to System Administrators and other class of users like Principal Investigators, Nodal Officers, Head of the Divisions, Directors, ADGs, DDGs and Director General of ICAR. PIMS-ICAR has the following modules:



2.       Definition of problem

The Project Information & Management System of ICAR (PIMS-ICAR) will be designed with objectives to develop some mechanism to check duplication in research projects both at divisional and inter divisional level and on-line monitoring and concurrent evaluation of the research projects running under ICAR. It will lay emphasis on providing a unified information base for dissemination of information relating to research project activities of all the Research Institutions including Directorates, NRCs, AICRPs and Extension Centres in India . The system would be dynamic in nature and useful to the individual institutions as well as to the ICAR.  

It will be designed for the sub modules on Data Management; Detection of Duplication of research activities; Progress Monitoring; Reports & Queries; User Management and Administration. It will contain data of all research projects running in different research institutions under ICAR.  

PIMS-ICAR System will be dynamic in nature and the data need to be updated regularly to provide up to date Information to the user’s community. Research Coordination and Monitoring Units (RCMU) would be identified at all the institutions to maintain the activities of data collection, entry and updating of data to Central Server. Moreover, the processing of available data through various modules will act as decision support system for administrators, policy makers and managers.  Considering the utility and importance of PIMS-ICAR System, continuous maintenance up- gradation and enhancement in the system in future would be necessary.



3.       Immediate objectives

        ·   To study the requirements of ICAR Projects Management

         ·   To develop mechanism to check duplication in research projects both at divisional and inter divisional level

         ·   To design & develop Project Information and Management System of ICAR (PIMS-ICAR)

        ·   To implement PIMS-ICAR


3.1     Long term objectives

·   To establish data bank of Agricultural Research Projects of ICAR.

·   To inculcate transparency in Agricultural Research Projects System

·   To create a System so as to act as a tool for decision making to planners and policy makers.


4.       Highlights of the functionality that need to be incorporated

·   A user interface for on-line data entry, data updation, and modification.

·   A user interface for projects monitoring, replication detection and other reports and queries to meet the requirements of ICAR.

·   Storage and maintenance of quantity and quality of research projects data.

·   Security Management and Administration.

·   Implementation and Maintenance of PIMS-ICAR at server of IASRI, New Delhi.


5.       Expected Outcomes

·   An independent information system at the ICAR level would be operational and that will act as a useful tool for the agricultural research projects data management of the ICAR.

·   It will act as a tool for institutional reforms as the monitoring processes, when in place, help in increasing working efficiency and work culture in the system through electronic governance and office automation.

·   The reporting through this system will help in measuring the overall impact of the research and extension technologies developed.

·   A process would be established to have an overview of the research projects in the ICAR so as to avoid duplication of research activities at divisional and inter divisional levels of ICAR.

·   Development of the mechanism for periodically collection and updating of research project’s data.  



6.       Methodology

In the recent past, IASRI developed a Software package for on-line “Project Management & Information System” (PIMSNET) with the usual facilities of updating, retrieval, dissemination of information and online monitoring. It meets all the requirements of NATP, but the ICAR working system and research environment is different than NATP. Therefore, the ICAR Projects Management requirements would be examined and the PIMS-ICAR will be developed.


6.1       Development of Project Information and Management System of ICAR

 For the development of PIMS-ICAR, the major activities involved would be as follows:

·   Designing and development of database to meet the ICAR Projects Management Requirements and to act as back end database for PIMS-ICAR

·   Development of user interfaces for on-line data entry, data updating, and modification that may include:

Ø      Design and development of front end tools

Ø      Design and development of input forms

Ø      Validation and linking of input forms

Ø      Testing and validation with real data

·   Development of a module capable to assist in identification of duplication of research activities at divisional and inter divisional level of ICAR.

·   Development of user interfaces for projects monitoring, and reports/queries to meet the requirements of all the Research Institutions including Directorates, NRCs, AICRPs and Extension Centres in India.

·   Collection and compilation of initial operational data for master database of PIMS-ICAR.


6.2       Implementation of PIMS-ICAR  

For successful implementation of PIMS-ICAR, the major activities would be as follows:


6.2.1   Organization of Sensitization and Training workshops:  

For implementation of PIMS-ICAR, the Sensitization and Training workshops need to be organized. The objectives of the workshop will be as follows:

·   To sensitize the policy makers, managers and other administrators about the need and importance of the system and timely providing the data.

·   To establish Linkage between Coordinating Unit and participating institutions.

·   To define the initial data requirements of PIMS-ICAR. 

·   To discuss and finalise the contents to be included in the system. 

·   To discuss the requirement and expectations of ICAR from the system.

·   To emphasise on the responsibility of data entry and regular updating of projects data by respective participating institutions.      

·   To emphasize on technical manpower support, equipments and infrastructural requirements for data entry and updating at the RCM units of respective institutions.

·   To bring awareness and train the participating institutions for projects data entry and updating.


The Lead Centre at IASRI, New Delhi in consultation with ICAR, would organize sensitization workshops in different zones of the country. The participating institutions may be distributed into 5 convenient zones (North, South, East, West and Central Zone) for the purpose of organizing workshops. The Sensitization workshops may be organized in two phases.

  1. At the initial stage of development of PIMS-ICAR to finalise the requirements.
  2. After implementation of the PIMS-ICAR on the Internet, to bring awareness and train the participating institutions for projects data entry.


As an outcome from the sensitization workshops, the following activities would be undertaken at the Lead Centre at IASRI, New Delhi .


6.2.2    Identification of RCM Units and Nodal Officers  

·   Liaison with all ICAR institutions for identification of Nodal Officer and/or I/C   of RCM Units.

·   RCM Units under the control of Nominated Nodal Officers of the concerned institution will be made responsible for Research Projects data entry and updating into PIMS-ICAR.

·   The concerned Director or Officer I/C of the institutions will be requested to provide necessary infrastructural facilities for the establishment of RCM Unit for doing the needful.


6.2.3    Installation of the PIMS-ICAR Software  

·   After final testing and validation of the software with real data, the PIMS-ICAR would be installed and implemented on the Internet at the SERVER available at IASRI, New Delhi.

·   The secured access through UserId and Password will be provided to all the authorised participating institutions.

·   On implementation of PIMS-ICAR on the Internet, the process of data collection, data entry and updation will become operational.

·   The access to PIMS-ICAR for the authorised users (Planners, Policy Makers, and Research Managers) for projects monitoring, reports/query generation will be available from the central server of IASRI, New Delhi.

·   The data entry and regular updation by all the participating institutions of ICAR through their respective RCM units would become a regular activity.


6.2.4    Maintenance of PIMS-ICAR  

·   The day-to-day operational maintenance of PIMS-ICAR will be under the direct control of the IASRI, New Delhi.

·   For any refinement, modifications or updates of PIMS-ICAR software as per future requirements, IASRI, New Delhi will provide all technical support.


7.        Organisational Structure Network of PIMS-ICAR           

·   A Coordinating Unit at the Office of DDG(Engg.), ICAR, New Delhi.

·   The Lead Centre of the Project at IASRI, New Delhi.

·   Research Coordination and Management Unit (RCMU) at each institution of ICAR.