


New Project Proposal


Project Details


Data Management Module


Project Basic Data


Project Objective


Project Activity


Project Budget


Project Expert


Project Component


Contractual Service


Operational Expenses Information


Revenue Information


Workshop Information


Training Information


Civil Work Information


Equipment Information


Furniture Information


Vehicle Information


Other Contingency Information


Duplication Check  

5.1 Check by Title
5.2 Check by Objective
5.3 Check by Activity
5.4 Check by Keywords



The Project Information and Management system of ICAR (PIMS-ICAR) has been designed and developed at IASRI on the recommendation of ICAR.  This online system has been developed to meet the objectives of on-line data entry, data updating, and modification of research projects of ICAR and to develop mechanism to check duplication in research projects. System has been designed with the following objectives:  

  i.    To study the requirements of ICAR Projects Management.

  ii.    To develop mechanism to check duplication in research projects both at divisional and inter divisional level.

  iii.    To design & develop Project Information and Management System of ICAR (PIMS-ICAR).

  iv.    To implement PIMS-ICAR.

i.      To establish data bank of Agricultural Research Projects of ICAR.

ii.     To inculcate transparency in Agricultural Research Projects System.

iii.    To create a System so as to act as a tool for decision making to planners and policy makers.  




                        i.    System has been designed into different modules. 

                              ii.    It has modules on Data Management.

                              iii.   Detection of Duplication of research activities.

                              iv.   Progress Monitoring. 

                              v.    Reports & Queries. 

                              vi.   User Management and Administration.                    


                                                                                                              Fig 1 Home Page of PIMSNET  


New Project Proposal

            To submit request for new project we can use 'New Project Proposal' option, which available on right side of Home Page. 



                                                                                                                   Fig 2 Home Page of PIMSNET 


            How to add New Proposal:

    1.   Click on 'New Project Proposal(ref fig 2), Institute Page will open. 

    2.   Select Institute Type and Institute Name(ref fig 2.1) and Click on Submit.

    3.   New Page asking Project Details will appear(ref fig 2.2), enter all relevant information. At last click on Add button.

    4.   After Clicking on Add button, an confirmation windows appear(ref fig 2.3).


                                                                                        Fig 2.1 Page of Institute Selection.



                                                                                                                                 Fig 2.2 Add New Proposal



                                                                                                                                    Fig 2.3 Confirmation Page



Project Details

After authentication (ref fig 1) PI will have access to Project Details Page. It contains information about Project Title, Priority Area, Lead Institute, Principal Investigator, PI Address, No. of Collaborating Institute(s), Starting date, Completion date and Total Budget.


                                                                                                                            Fig 3 Project Details

Data Management Module

Data management module is further divided into  two sub  group Project Basic Data and Project Component.  Project Basic Data  includes- Project General Information, Project Specific Area, Collaborating Institute, Institute – Division, Project Documents, Objectives, Activities, Project Budget, Project Expert and  Project Component includes Recurring contingency, Non Recurring contingency,  HRD components.  


Project Basic Data  

Project General Information

It contains information about Project Type , Project Title, Priority Area, Utility, Keywords, Starting date, Completion date, Approval date, Name of Lead Center, Project discipline, Total budget.

    How to Add  Project General Information:  

1.      Click on the Add Button.

2.      Now the Text Area input screen gets enabled for receiving data.

3.      Fill the information in the appropriate area.

4.      After entering the relevant information Click the Save button


                                                                                              Fig 4 Project Basic Data: Project General Information


Project Collaborating Institute      

       It contains information about Project Title, Lead Institute. Institute lists.

     How to Add  Project Collaborating Institute:

   1.      Select Collaborating Institute from the list of Institute.

   2.      Use the down arrow to select collarborating Institutes.

   3.      Click the Save button.

                                                                                             Fig 5 Project Basic Data: Project Collaborating Institute  


Project Specific Area

       It contains information about Project Specification, Previous Project.

     How to Add  Project Specific Area:  

1.      Click on the Add Button. 

2.      Now the Text Area input screen gets enabled for receiving data.

3.      Fill the information in the appropriate area. 

4.      Click the Save button.


                                                                                              Fig 6 Project Basic Data: Project Specific Area


Project Institute - Division

        It contains information about Institute, Division  How to Add  Project Institute - Division: 

     How to add Institute-Division:

  1. Click on the Add Button.

  2.  Now the Text Area input screen gets enabled for receiving data.

  3.  Fill the information in the appropriate area. 

  4.  Lastly Click the Save button.


             Fig 7 Project Basic Data: Project Institute - Division  


Project Related Documents

                 It contains information about Project Title, Abstract, Introduction, Technical Document, Annual Report, Research Papers, Seminar & Workshop, Material Details, Intellectual Property Right, Project Profile Summary. Fill the information in the appropriate area  or   can  attach the file by Browse    the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired  information of the related documents.  Click on Save button to save the information.

Fig 8 Project Basic Data: Project Related Documents  


Project Objective

                                                                                                            Fig 9 Project Basic Data: Project Objectives

How to Add  Project Objective:

1.       Click on the Add Button.

2.       Now the Text Area input screen gets enabled for receiving.

3.    Enter Objective in the text area

4.      Click the Save button.

How to Delete Project Objective:

1.      Using any of these '>', '>|', '<', '|<' Buttons reach the Objective you want to delete. 

2.      Click on the Delete Button.  



Project Activity 

Fig 10 Project Basic Data: Project Activities


                    How to Add  Project Activity under a particular Project Objective:

1.      Select the Project Objective from the drop - down list in which you want to add  an activity.

2.      Next Click on the Add Button, enter the details of the activity and lastly click on the Save Button.

3.      Likewise for updating of an activity using any of these '>', '>|', '<', '|<' Buttons reach the activity under a particular objective,

4.      click on the Update button & make appropriate modifications and 

5.      Click on the Save Button.


                                        How to Delete Project Activity under a particular Project Objective:

1.      Using any of these '>', '>|', '<', '|<' Buttons reach the Activity under a given Objective which you want to delete.

2.      Click on the Delete Button.



Project Budget

        Project Budget contains center wise yearly information on budget that is categorized under Recurring contingency, Non Recurring contingency, Institutional charges ,HRD component and Works.

                                                                                                        Fig 11.  Data Management module  : Project Budget

                                        How to Add new Budget (ref Fig 10):

1.      Click on Add Button.

2.      Choose Institute from combo box.

3.      Select Year from combo box named Year.

4.      Fill the information in the appropriate area.

5.      Click on Save button to save the information


Project Expert

       Project Expert contains Experts information associated with the project such as Expert Name,  Institute, Expert status ,Time Allocation (In Man Months)   

                                        How to Add Expert(ref fig 11):                                                   

                    1.      Click on Add Button.

                    2.      Choose Institute from combo box.

                    3.      Select Name from combo box for Exper Name.                      

                    4.   Enter Time Allocation for choose Exper.  

                    5.      Click on Save button to save the information  

                                                                                                     Fig 12.  Data Management module: Project Expert




Project Component detail includes

§         Recurring contingency

-        Contractual services required at different centers under the project.

-        Operational services required at different centers under the project.

-        Revenue generation under the project at different centers.

-        Work shops organized under project.  



After Selection of Project from Project title selection list Contractual service information can be  add/edit/delete.

        How to Add new Contractual Service(ref Fig 12):                                          

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Contractual Service under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Contractual Services.

6.     Click on Add button, present on right frame, for adding new information on Contractual Services.

7.     Choose Institute from institute combo box.

8.     Choose Contract post type from combo box.

9.     Enter the Justification.

10.  Check the check box to fill the year wise information of Year, Cost and Number.

11.  After filling all the fields, you can save using save button.  



How to Edit Contractual Service(ref Fig 12):                                        

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Contractual Service under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Contractual


6.     Click on Add button, present on right frame, for adding new information on Contractual Services.

7.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

8.     Click on Edit button, present on right frame, for editing new information on Contractual Services.

9.     Through Edit button you can edit information.

10.  After Editing, you can save using save button.


How to Delete Contractual Service(ref Fig 12):

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Contractual Service under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Contractual


6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

7.     Click on Delete button, present on right frame, for deleting information on Contractual Services.

8.     Message box appears to confirm if permanently want to delete the information, click OK to delete the information or click Cancel to abort the Delete operation.  


                                                                                            Fig 13.  Recurring Contingency: Contractual Services                          


After Selection of Project from Project title selection list Operational Expenses information can be  added / modified and deleted.

How to Add new Operational Expenses Information(ref Fig 13):

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Operation Expenses under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Operational expenses page.

6.     Click on Add button for adding new information on

7.     Choose Institute from institute combo box.

8.     Enter Item Type (e.g -computer stationary), Item (e.g -Cartridge) and Justification.

9.  Choose the year from year combo box.

10.  Click the save button to save the information.  


How to Edit Operational Expenses Information(ref Fig 13):

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Operation Expenses under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Operational expenses page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

7.     Click on Edit button for editing information on operational expenses.

8.     Click the save button to save the information.                  


How to Delete Operational Expenses Information(ref Fig 13):

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Operation Expenses under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Operation expenses page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

7.     Click on Delete button.

8.     Message box appears to confirm if permanently want to delete the information, click OK to delete the information or click Cancel to abort the Delete operation.  

                                                                                                         Fig 14.  Recurring Contingency: Operational Expenses                                        


After Selection of Project from Project title selection list Revenue information can be  added / modified and deleted.  

How to Add new Revenue Information (ref Fig 14):

                       1.   From the left frame click on the Data Management.

                       2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

                       3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

                       4.     Choose Project Revenue under Recurring Contingency.

                       5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Project Revenue page.

                       6.     Click on Add button for adding new information on Revenue.

                       7.     Choose Institute from Institute combo box.

                       8.     If Revenue type does not exist in the combo box choose New Revenue Type from the combo box.

                       9.     Message box screen pops up that ask for new revenue type.

                      10.  Fill the information and click Ok that revenue type will be added to the combo box.

                      11.  Choose Year from combo box.

                      12.  Click on Save button to save the information.


How to Edit Revenue Information(ref Fig 14):                      

                      1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

                      2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

                      3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

                      4.     Choose Project Revenue under Recurring Contingency.

                      5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Project Revenue page.

                      6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

                      7.     Click on Edit button for editing new information on Revenue.

                      8.     Click the save button to save the information.


How to Delete Revenue Information(ref Fig 14):

                      1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

                      2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

                      3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

                      4.     Choose Project Revenue under Recurring Contingency.

                      5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Project Revenue page.

                      6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

                      7.     Click on Delete button for deleting information on Revenue.

                      8.     Message box appears to confirm if permanently want to delete the information, click OK to 

                           delete the information or click Cancel to abort the Delete operation.



                                                                                                                    Fig 15.  Recurring Contingency: Project Revenue  



After Selection of Project from Project title selection list Workshop information can be  added / modified and deleted.

How to Add new Workshop Information(ref fig 15):      

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Workshop under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Workshop page.

6.     Fill name of Workshop, venue and other related information in the appropriate space provided for that.

7.     Click on Save button to save the filled information.

8.     Click on Cancel button if don’t want to save the filled information.    


How to Edit Workshop Information(ref fig 15):

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Workshop under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Workshop page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

7.     Click on Edit button for editing new information on Workshop.

8.     Click the save button to save the information.


      How to Delete Workshop Information(ref fig 15):

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Workshop under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Workshop page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

7.     Click on Delete button for deleting information on Workshop.

8.     Message box appears to confirm if permanently want to delete the information, click OK to delete the information or click Cancel to abort the Delete operation.


  Fig 16.  Recurring Contingency: Project Workshop    



After Selection of Project from Project title selection list Training information for a project can be  added / modified and deleted.

How to Add new Training Information(ref fig -16):

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Workshop under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Training page.

6.     Click on Add button to add training information.

7.     Choose Training type from the provided radio button.

8.     Fill all the related information.

9.     Click on Save button to save the filled information.

                               How to Edit Training Information: (ref fig -16)

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Workshop under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Training page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

7.     Click on Edit button, for editing new information on Training.

8.     Click on Save button to save the updated information.

9.     Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to save the filled information then click on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to save the filled information.


                                How to Delete Training Information: (ref fig -16)

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Workshop under Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Training page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of that institute.

7.     Click on Delete button.

8.     Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to permanently delete the information then click on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to delete the information.    


Fig 17.  Recurring Component: Project Training    


Non Recurring contingency includes information on :

-        Equipment required under the project at different centers with year wise details.

-        Civil work required under the project at different centers with year wise details.

-        Furniture, Others and Vehicle at different centers with year wise details.


                            After Selection of Project from Project title selection list, information for civil work under that project can be added / modified and deleted.

                             How to Add new Civil Work Information: (ref fig 17)

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Civil Work under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Civil Work page.

6.     Click on Add button to add new information.

7.       Choose the institute from Institute combo box for which information is to be filled in, Fill all the information.

8.       Select the check box year to fill the information for that year.

9.       Click on save button to save the filled in information.


                            How to Edit Civil Work Information: (ref fig 17) 

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Civil Work under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Civil Work page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Civil Work.

7.     Click on Edit button.

8.     All the filled information will be highlighted, Edit the information.

9.       Click on save button to save the filled in information.

10.   Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to save the filled information then click on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to save the filled information.


                            How to Delete Civil Work Information: (ref fig 17) 

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Civil Work under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Civil Work page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Civil Work.

7.     Check the check box year for which year information is to delete.

8.     Click on Delete button.

9.     Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to permanently delete the information then click on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to delete the information.

                                                                                                        Fig 18.  Non-Recurring Contingency: Civil Work


                        After Selection of Project from Project title selection list, information for Equipment under that project can be added / modified and deleted.

                            How to Add new Equipment Information: (ref fig - 18)

    1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

    2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

    3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

    4.     Choose Equipment under Non-Recurring Contingency.

    5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Equipment page.

    6.     Click on Add button to add new information on equipment for a new institute.

    7.     Choose the institute from Institute combo box for which information is to be filled in, Fill all the information.

    8.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.  


                            How to Edit Equipment Information:  (ref fig - 18) 

 1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

 2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

 3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

 4.     Choose Equipment under Non-Recurring Contingency.

 5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Equipment page.

 6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Equipment.

 7.     Click on Edit button to edit information on equipment for an existing institute.

 8.     Information will be highlighted, Edit the information.

 9.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.

 10.  To edit information on equipment for an institute for which information already exists and user has to add information on equipment for a particular year, browse to that information and then click edit.

 11.  Select the check box near year to edit the information for that year and click on Save to save the filled information.


                               How to Delete Equipment Information:  (ref fig - 18)

    1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

    2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

    3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

    4.     Choose Equipment under Non-Recurring Contingency.

    5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Equipment page.

    6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Equipment.

    7.     Check the check box near year for which year information is to deleted.

    8.     Click on Delete button to delete information on equipment for an existing institute.

    9.     Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to permanently delete the information then click on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to delete the information.

    10.  If want to delete the Equipment information for that institute then browse the information for that institute and click delete button to delete the full Equipment information for that institute.  


                                                                                                   Fig 19.  Non-Recurring Contingency: Equipment



                            After Selection of Project from Project title selection list, information for Furniture under that project can be added / modified and deleted.

                                How to Add new Furniture Information:(ref fig 19)

    1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

    2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

    3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

    4.     Choose Furniture under Non-Recurring Contingency.

    5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Furniture page.

    6.     Click on Add button to add new information on equipment for a new institute.

    7.     Choose the institute from Institute combo box for which information is to be filled in, Fill all the information.

    8.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.


                                  How to Edit Furniture Information:(ref fig 19) 

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Furniture under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Furniture page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Furniture.

7.     Click on Edit button to edit information on Furniture for an existing institute.

8.     Information will be highlighted, Edit the information.

9.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.

10.  To edit information on Furniture for an institute for which information already exists and user has to add information on Furniture for a particular year, browse to that information and then click edit.

11.  Select the check box near year to edit the information for that year and click on Save to save the filled information.    



                                 How to Delete Furniture Information:(ref fig 19)  

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Furniture under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Furniture page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Furniture.

7.     Check the check box near year for which year information is to deleted.

8.     Click on Delete button to delete information on Furniture for an existing institute.

9.     Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to permanently delete the information then click on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to delete the information.

10.  If want to delete the Furniture information for that institute then browse the information for that institute and click delete button to delete the full Furniture information for that institute.


                                                                                                        Fig - 20Non-Recurring Contingency: Furniture


                            After Selection of Project from Project title selection list, information for Vehicle under that project can be added / modified and deleted.  

                               How to add new Vehicle Information:

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Vehicle under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Vehicle page.

6.     Click on Add button to add new information on equipment for a new institute.

7.     Choose the institute from Institute combo box for which information is to be filled in, Fill all the information.

8.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.  


                                  How to Edit Vehicle Information:

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Vehicle under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Vehicle page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Vehicle.

7.     Click on Edit button to edit information on Vehicle for an existing institute.

8.     Information will be highlighted, Edit the information.

9.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.

10.  To edit information on Vehicle for an institute for which information already exists and user has to add information on Vehicle for a particular year, browse to that information and then click edit.

11.  Select the check box near year to edit the information for that year and click on Save to save the filled information.  


                                  How to Delete Vehicle Information:

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Furniture under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Vehicle page.

6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Vehicle.

7.     Check the check box near year for which year information is to deleted.

8.     Click on Delete button to delete information on Vehicle for an existing institute.

9.     Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to permanently delete the information then click on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to delete the information.

10.  If want to delete the Vehicle information for that institute then browse the information for that institute and click delete button to delete the full Vehicle information for that institute.


                                                                                                                Fig 21.  Non-Recurring Contingency: Vehicle



                            After Selection of Project from Project title selection list, information for other contingency under that project can be added / modified 

                            and deleted.   

                               How to add new others Information:(ref fig - 21)

1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

4.     Choose Others under Non-Recurring Contingency.

5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Others page.

6.     Click on Add button to add new information on equipment for a new institute.

7.     Choose the institute from Institute combo box for which information is to be filled in, Fill all the information.

8.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.  


                                How to Edit Others Information:(ref fig - 21)  

    1.     From the left frame click on the Data Management.

    2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.

    3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

    4.     Choose Others  under Non-Recurring Contingency.

    5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of others page.

    6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Others.

    7.     Click on Edit button to edit information on Others for an existing institute.

    8.     Information will be highlighted, Edit the information.

    9.     Click on save button to save the filled in information.

    10.  To edit information on  Others for an institute for which information already exists and user has to add 

          information on Others for a particular year, browse to that information and then click edit.

    11.  Select the check box near year to edit the information for that year and click on Save to save the filled information.  



                                How to Delete Others Information:(ref fig - 21)

                                        1.    From the left frame click on the Data Management.

                                        2.     Under Data Management click on Project Component.  

                                        3.     Under Project Component click on NON-Recurring Contingency.

                                        4.     Choose Others under Non-Recurring Contingency.  

                                        5.     Add/Edit/Delete /Save/Cancel/Help on the right frame of Others page.  

                                        6.     Browse the information with the help of browse buttons until you get the desired information of Others.  

                                        7.     Check the check box near year for which year information is to deleted.     

                                        8.     Click on Delete button to delete information on Others for an existing institute.  

                                        9.     Message box appears with the option OK and Cancel, If want to permanently delete the information then click

                                             on OK button otherwise press Cancel if don’t want to delete the information.

                                        10.  If want to delete the Others information for that institute then browse the information for that institute and 

                                              click delete button to delete the full Others information for that institute  



                                                                                       Fig 22.  Non-Recurring Contingency: Others




  Duplication Check   

            -How to Duplication Check By Title


    1.     From the left frame click on the Duplication Check.

    2.     Under Duplication Check click on Check Title.

    3.     Check Title Window will Open.

    4.     Select Duplication Index from Duplication Index drop down menu.  

          (Duplication Index is a internally calculated index to detect duplicacy among the projects,

           and higher the value choosen, higher will be degree of duplicacy exist between the project.) 

    5.     Select any one option from seacrh in : Within Project Lead Institute, Within ICAR Subject Matter Division and ICAR.

    6.    Click on Search button.


                                                                                   Fig 23. Check Duplication Of Project Title-Wise



                                                                     Fig 24. Result Window of Check Duplication of Project Title-Wise


            -How to Duplication Check By Objectives                                        

1.     From the left frame click on the Duplication Check.

2.     Under Duplication Check click on Check Objective.

3.     Check Objective Window will Open.

4.   Select any one "Objective" from the Project Objective drop down menu.

5.     Select Duplication Index from Duplication Index drop down menu.  

     (Duplication Index is a internally calculated index to detect duplicacy among the projects,

      and higher the value choosen, higher will be degree of duplicacy exist between the project.) 

6.    Click on Search button.



                                                                                    Fig 25 Check Duplication of Project Objective-Wise


                                                           Fig 26. Result Window of Check Duplication of Project Objective-Wise


             - How to Duplication Check By Activities                                  

1.     From the left frame click on the Duplication Check.

2.     Under Duplication Check click on Check Activity.

3.     Check Activity Window will Open.

4.   Select any one "Activity" from the Project Objective drop down menu.

5.     Select Duplication Index from Duplication Index drop down menu.  

     (Duplication Index is a internally calculated index to detect duplicacy among the projects,

      and higher the value choosen, higher will be degree of duplicacy exist between the project.) 

6.    Click on Search button.



                                                                                     Fig 27 Check Duplication of Project Acitivity-Wise


                                                                    Fig 28. Result Window of Check Duplication of Project Activity-Wise                                                                      


             - How to Duplication Check By Keyword                                      

1.     From the left frame click on the Duplication Check.

2.     Under Duplication Check click on Check Keyword.

3.     Check Keyword Window will Open.

4.  Select Duplication Index from Duplication Index drop down menu.  

     (Duplication Index is a internally calculated index to detect duplicacy among the projects,

      and higher the value choosen, higher will be degree of duplicacy exist between the project.) 

5.    Click on Search button.



                                                                            Fig 29 Check Duplication of Project Keywords-Wise


                                                                            Fig 30 Result Window of Project keywords-Wise
